Weird California
Weird California
Weird California - By Joe Parzanese

Museum of Creation and Earth History

Map 10946 Woodside Ave N, Santee, California 92071

Museum of Creation and Earth History, east of San Diego
Museum of Creation and Earth History, east of San Diego

Well as I went to the San Diego area on the 4th of July Weekend, I was sadly unable to enter this museum (with attached Institute and Graduate School) on creation and earth history. Thus I was only able to get snapshots of the outside. Now that being said, if you're in the area, enter at your own risk. From the webpage, it is clear that they have unique views that contradict several other established theories. When I get a chance to visit, I'll happily add more information on the insides and my experience.

Now straight from their FAQ:

That being said, it looks like the building in Santee houses a museum, a graduate school, research labs, and a library. The museum from the pictures on the website looks like a lot of work and effort went into building it. Additionally ICR has free publications, radio broadcasts, and organizes scientific outings.

Originally established in 1970, it has been a California approved Graduate School since 1981 (minus a three year period from 1989 to 1992 when the status was temporarily taken away from them pending legal proceedings which they won).

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First Created: 2006-07-11
Last Edited: 2006-07-11

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